
  • Players
  • Format
    Double Elimination
  • Game
    Guilty Gear -Strive-
  • Start
    January 15, 2022 at 5:00 PM EST
  • Check-in
Organized by
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Here Comes A Daredevil!

Test your mettle with the other Guilty Gear players in New Challenger's monthly anime fighting game tournament GRD Break.

This is a double-elimination tournament designed to give members of New Challenger discord tournament experience. Players will play a best of 5 games in every round. Players may only change characters in the middle of a set after a loss.

Which Version of Guilty Gear -Strive-

We will be using the Steam version of Guilty Gear -Strive-


Even though -Strive-  has rollback netcode, there are still limitations to what it can do, so participation is limited to any North American member of New Challenger discord.


We are going to stream the games on, if we have large enough participation we'll run overflow matches on a secondary stream. Depending upon the number of participants, some matches may be run off-stream. All players are free to stream their tournament runs.

General Code of Conduct

The purpose of these tournaments is for players to test what they've learned and find room for further improvement in an environment with like-minded players. Participants are entrusted via the Honor Code with reporting their scores correctly. If you believe something was incorrectly scored please have screenshots and message a TO in Discord.


It is extremely disrespectful to other participants, viewers, and TO's to sandbag, collude, intentionally throw matches, or leave mid-match. Participants who disrespect the tournament format and participants in this manner are subject to immediate disqualification at the TO's discretion. Being disruptive or disrespectful to other players may result in an immediate disqualification.


Understand that you may not get the best possible connection. While we would all like to play in minimal ping this is simply not possible. The best we can offer is a single remake of the lobby using a netplay-friendly stage, or time for players to reset their connections.

When a remake for lag is called, the rest of the round/game may not be played out and instead the player calling for the remake should submit to allow the match to end quickly in order to remake. If the round is continued and played out normally, the remake is forfeit.


We understand that playing in a high latency connection can be frustrating, but please play to the best of your ability regardless.

Please bring lag problems to our attention as early in the tournament as possible, in order to protect the playout of end-bracket matches.

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third














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